Friday, December 10, 2010

Coyote Mesquite and the “Pheasant Investment”

After the arms deal with the Hispanics had gone sour Coyote was put into a super hard predicament: He had to refinance himself.  You see, the arms that were stolen by the Mexicans were actually fronted to him by Native Americans.  Native American’s would later be called Indians after white boy Christopher Columbus mistook them for actual people of India.  But for now, they were called Native Americans.  So what would happen is, obviously the Native Americans would scalp him if he didn’t provide the mullah.

Carrying on, Coyote was broke as a kettle pot.  He was walking along yet another dusty road when a bird plopped one on his head.  He looked up to see that she had flown away from her perch merely to excrete her waste on top of him, and then return to her nest of eggs.  Since he was pissed, he threw a rock at her, it hit her head, and she died.  After that he felt SO guilty.  Especially when he realized he had not only killed a beautiful Pheasant, but also a future mother.  Since he felt big time bad he climbed the tree and incubated the eggs himself.  In that time period he ate fresh tree leaves like a Koala and slept like one too.  It seemed like a pretty easy job, and eventually the eggs hatched…

He was now the father of four baby Pheasants.  WOW.  “What little miracles,” was his first thought.  His second thought went something like “How can I make money off of this miracle?”  After thinking for a couple minutes he decided to train them to do a new type of music: RAP.  Rhythmic Alternative inferiority-comPlex.  Yes indeed, a Pheasant RAP performance would turn this knee-strawberry all around.  Oh boy.  They would soon be performing outside The Four Seasons.

Out of no time the baby Pheasants were old enough to train.  Coyote had nursed them properly, and now – having gained their love and trust – would train them to be low-wage/high-earning performers.  Coyote trained them to free-style because it was the most basic form of RAP and also the most hardcore.  Basically, saying whatever you thought of off the top of your head to a rhythm. He taught them that usually the most successful free-styles contained thoughts that are negative and mean.  Eventually they were amazing at it. 

At first he was setting them up next to McDonald’s drive-thru’s, but after like two weeks he had them performing outside the Bellagio in Vegas.  They were cussing and saying so many terrible things you wouldn’t believe.  These birds were vocally SO MEAN.  The funny part was how people actually believed how mean they were.  They never questioned it.  They just kept walking. However, as it turns out, the reason people never questioned it was because birds can’t speak English.  In all actuality, the leaves Coyote had been eating were actually hallucinogenic and he had managed to somehow incubate and hatch Pheasants and then who knows what?  Either way people were giving him money outside the Bellagio because they were drunk, ahead, he had baby Pheasants, and he looked like he needed help.  And that’s how Coyote’s baby Pheasants somehow turned into an investement.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Coyote Mesquite and "The Lead Bed"

Coyote had been manufacturing bullets for the Myan militia for quite some time now. He had even done the arms deal for the attack on the Alamo near Texas. Today he had a meeting with Snake Bite, a warrior second in command in the Myan/Aztec alliance. Snake Bite was a straight-up kinda guy of sorts. He absolutely would not tolerate any funny business and would have no problem slitting your throat if he sensed anything of the sort. They were meeting in a butte next to an overpass. Here is what happened:

*Snake Bite casually strolls up with his huge wife Aymee. Coyote is already there just staring at them with a reed in his mouth looking like he could end someone no problem.*

"Ok so I have my next order. It's bigger than last time. And well, it's also special to me," said Snake Bite finally after a long uneasy silence.

"Ok. What's the deal? You know I got your back amigo,"
reassured Coyote Mesquite.

"Well you see my main female Aymee is having my baby but she is experiencing some serious trouble getting some dream sleep. What she needs is a new mattress to sleep on. But it can't be just any material. I need something soft, yet malleable. Lastly, I need to be able to stand inside it in the middle so I can monitor her sleep."

"I know exactly what to make it out of!" Exclaimed Coyote.

"Come back in a week."

The next week he spent each day swirling the lead around him until it had cooled into a perfect soft and smooth shape. Each day he added more and more layers without even stopping to eat. Eventually it expanded past Coyote's wingspan. Then he came to an upsetting realization: He was stuck from the waste up.

A day later Snake Bite showed up laughing up a sand storm. Aymee wasn't with him this time. Instead he brought the entire Myan/Aztec alliance and they ransacked his entire stockpile of military ammunition, arms, and technology. To this very day some still say it's the reason the Myans and Aztecs were so advanced. But at that point Coyote could have given a goat's ear less. And that's the story of how Coyote was tricked into making a bed out of pure lead.

Author's note: It is rumored that this story has been passed down in the Lucas family for generations and it is in fact the very source of George Lucas' Han Solo stunt.

Copyright Perky Int 2010

Monday, October 11, 2010

Coyote Mesquite and the “Summer Bummer”

Coyote sat in the shade of a ridge overlooking the Grand Canyon where just minutes before he had panned out a hunk of gold the size of Adam’s apple.  He hated Adam.  Anyway, he couldn’t believe it because coincidentally the night before he had a vision from God that told him he would pan for gold today – and indeed he had.  It finally looked like the days of panhandling rattlesnake leather were over.

Suddenly he heard a noise coming from above him.  He clicked his gun loaded and started shaking real nervously.  But they already knew he was there.  It turns out it happened to be a Gold Trader walking by and he was already spotted.

“Hello down there,” said the Gold Trader.
“Heyo,” said Coyote Misquite.
“Whacha doin’ with that gold pan stranger?” asked the Gold Trader.
“Just panning like a champ!  I just got a nice big one.” replied Coyote.
“Oh really?  Let me see it!” the Gold Trader exclaimed.

So Coyote showed him the hunk of gold that he had panned when God predicted he would.

“That’s not gold at all you silly goose,” said the Gold Trader shaking his head.
“That’s fools gold!” he chuckled.

Tears began to run down Coyote Mesquite’s mud-stained cheeks.  He had never felt more of a sense of defeat and disappointment in like ever.  And that’s how the beginning of Coyote Mesquite’s summer turned into a total bummer.

Copyright Perky Int 2010